Foothills Key 3

If you have a young person that you would like to get into Scouting and need to find the closest Pack, Troop, Crew or Ship, or just want information about the District, please contact:

District Chair
Tina Ninteman
Email Tina
District Commissioner
Dan Bozarth
Email Dan
District Executive
Kimberly Bozarth
Email Kimberly

Eagle Board of Review

If you know of a Life Scout that wants to achieve Eagle Scout, please contact the Foothills’ Eagle Board Chair to discuss next steps.

Please also review this document on the Eagle Board process.

Eagle Project Counselors

Counselor Name
Jim Atkins
Marie Bishop
Sandy Carey
Dean Darley
Chuck Dowe
Matthew Faust
Mike Gruber
Sean Horton
Charles Jezycki
Carmen Myers
Steve Saxer
Randy Seefeldt
Jim Taylor
Shawn Worst
Robert Yslas Jr

District Events